Best Kickthepj Quotes Today

Why isn't Dan on fire?

When is Carrie's bedtime?

What makes
Phil so amazing?

Charlie so cool?

Why does
PJ want to be kicked?

These are the important questions, kids.



I really wanna be a Youtuber.
I'm gonna do it.
All I'll need is clear skin.
A camera.
A laptop.
And a personality.
normal girls obsess over: boybands, pop stars, sports stars, models
i obsess over: random famous 20-odd year old on youtube that i will never meet

'OMG why do you idolize gay faggots who make stupid videos on youtube?'
Dan Howell: You are a human with one life; it's up to you to make it the
best life you can.
Phil Lester: Don't worry about what others think about you.
PJ Liguori: You can't make great stuff until you've made good stuff; you
can't make good stuff until you've made alright stuff; you can't make alright stuff until you've made pretty bad stuff.
Chris Kendall: Don't look for advice. The answers are all inside you.
Take each step slowly and carefully. You'll arrive happy.
Dan Howell: Do whatever you have to do to be happy.
Phil Lester: It's a good thing to be strange; normalness leads to
PJ Liguori: If someone calls you weird, look them straight in the eye and
say thank you.
Chris Kendall: Don't go looking for love. Don't chase perfection.
Because if you just be yourself, love will find you.
Sitting before   you is not a man,
but merely a cracked shell.
| Colour Bandits - PJ Liguori | Colour Bandits - PJ Liguori | Colour Bandits - PJ Liguori |

does anyone else watch danisnotonfire/amazingphil/kickthepj/crabstickz/pointlessblog/marcusbutlertv/itswaypastmybedtime/nerimon? if so could you favourite so i could follow you?:-) if you dont watch any of these, could you comment a youtuber that you do watch? save me from boredom over the half term? THANK YOUUUU

phil would be tom
dan would be tom
chris would be tom
and pj would be bubblesquash

The fantastic foursome is like a band but with less music and more gay.
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