Best Mythoughts Quotes This Week


I wonder why i was born. I wonder why i am myself, why i have this personality, why i like that, why i do this, why i look like this. Why i was born on Earth, in this family, in this life? What is it all? Who decided?

Don't worry about the future.
Things will get better. Even if you think that they won't. I thought they never would, but they did. It takes a lot of sacrifice though. Don't think happiness is easy. It's not. It requires letting go, being kind to everyone, many tears, and applying yourself to be able to do all of this. It may feel like it's not paying off now, but believe me it will.

Don't give up, okay?


If I could be a boy for one day in my life, I'd asked someone to kick me in the b.alls just to know the feeling.
Don't trust too much.
Don't love too much.
Don't hope too much.
Because that "too much"
can hurt you
so much.
Would a video game called 'Potatoes of Doom' be awesome?

It's easy to fall apart completely


wanto sneak out & run away,,
but then i realize, i have no one to sneak out with
a n d   n o w h e r e   t o   r u n   t o  .



And there ain't no healing


from cutting yourself with the jagged edgeText here text here text here


I wasn't prepared for death. Nobody is.
You lose someone you love more than you love yourself, and you get a crash of mortality. You lie awake night after night, wondering if you really believe in Heaven and Hell and finding all kinds of reasons to cling to faith, because you can't bare to believe that they aren't out there somewhere, a few whispered words of a prayer away.



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