Best Nighttime Quotes This Month

death sits in the chair across from
me and watches.
death sees but has no eyes.
death knows but has no mind.

we often sit together in the night.
death has one move left.
i have none.


But love is not for the daytime. 
It is to be whispered at night between lovers, shy, scared words that could make or break a man, said into skin covered in a sheen of sweat. It is to be said with tears in your eyes, with pain in your soul, or with wings on your heart. No, love is not for the daytime. 

It all comes down to the last person
you think of at night.
That's where your heart is.

  his voice
is what I hear before I sleep
Format by Breeze
Me: I won't let it bother me, I won't let it bother me, I won't let it bother me
Me: *lays down to sleep at night*
Me: It bothers me, actually it really f*cking bothers me, so let's lay here and think and stress about it instead of sleeping
The stars in the sky
Will never shine as bright
As my love for you
My quote
My ability to type clearly dies at 10 o'clock on the dot.
I never want to go to bed.
I'm sure every teenager says that, but I literally
want to REFUSE to go to bed.
I wish my body didn't have to sleep.
Nighttime is my favorite time of the day.
That feeling I get when every single person in my house is asleep, and I feel like everybody in the world is asleep too.
It's just me and my thoughts.

And that's how I like it.

[end rant]
I remember when I was little I never used to cry.
Now tears are the only thing that gets me to sleep at night.
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