Best Play Quotes Today



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Okay so I'm in the library
and I plugged in my headphones
to listen to some study music,
but I didn't plug it in all the way
so some music was playing out loud.
Everyone could hear it.
I didn't realize this
till the librarian came over
and notified me15 minutes later.

"You didn't realize your music was playing aloud?", she asked?
"No," I said. "Nobody told me, and I didn't hear it".
"I didn't mind. You have good taste in music," the girl next to me said.
A couple other people around me nodded.
"Well, you still have to shut it off," the librarian said.

 I've never been so embarrassed
and flattered at the same time

format by neversaynever16


believe it or not,  but there are many

people out there who are great actors and

actresses. most of them you probably

haven't seen before in movies or

television.some haven't even been in an

actual play. whether they have performing

experience or not, these actors and

actresses are living inside a play every day.

they always have to be a character who

always content, but their real self is

breaking down on the inside.they have to

hold back so many tears to keep their

character. doing something like this all of

the time is difficult, but some still manage

to succeed. that's what makes them so




Yahoo! Answers

Resolved Question


My Dog is my life!! Has this ever happened anyone before?
i think im falling in love with my dog. anytime i see him playing with other dogs i get really jealous and just wanted to rugby tackle him to the ground and kiss him. ive never felt this way about anyone before, let alone a dog. Ive even broke up with my bf over it. ive had this dog for 6 months, but only recently have thesse feelings started to develop. i dont know what to do and think if i telling anyone theyll think im crazy. please help!!


Best Answer - 

Oh dear... guess you should paws for thought before people think you are barking mad.


Friend: That awkward moment when your imaginary boyfriend cheats on you with one of your real friends.
Me: That's not even possible.
Friend: Don't play dumb with me! I know it was you, you lying bítch.

you kept flirting with me
another girl.

Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.

He played me like I was a deck of cards





One does not simply
play video games for half an hour.


Life is like,
Being in a play,

but no one has shown you the script.

Student: Why did you want to act?
Girl actress: Well, I did my first play in third grade and I found it very interesting. Everybody was moving around everywhere and everything happened so fast and there were last minute changes it was so thrilling to me but mostly i loved the attention and decided i wanted to do it for the rest of my life. How about you Trevor?
Trevor: I just have no other talents. 

True story. Trevor please join us here on Witty.
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