Pleasepleaseplease Quotes

hey everyone i have a really important message:
be an organ donor.

i know that most of my quotes are lighthearted or whatever but this is so so so important to me. you don't need your organs after you die!!! you're dead!!! and one person's body can  save/improve up to fifty people's lives.


my dad was one of those fifty. he was less than a week away from dying when he got the lungs of a woman who died in a car crash and the lungs mean he can live for at least another three years and he can walk and talk!! i got to go to a massive church service of people who got transplants and people whose loved ones donated organs and it was truly the most moving thing i have ever seen because both sides see each other as heroes and everyone was so f/ucking thankful.

it's just a box to tick. all you have to do is tick the box saying yes i want to be an organ donor for the love of god tick the box you can save so many lives and if you're under 18 tell your parents that you want to because they can make it happen if you die unexpectedly i know that sounds really morbid but this is really important

At school i have to write a 2 page 'scary' short story and i only have 2 lines done
Help ???? any ideas ?!?? im pretty much screwed because its due on monday .-.
this is what i have: My friends and i were walking down the road to the park, and i just couldn't shake the feeling we were being followed.
I dont know what to do from there .-.

Can you guys tell me about the impact of globalisation on the 'Urban Culture'? PLEASE!!
Please please please.

The year is 2019. Fall Out Boy is once again on hiatus. Panic! At The Disco still haven't released their 4th studio album. Suddenly, the sky goes dark. You hear a faint sound in the distance. It's Na Na Na. Black hair dye rains from the sky. It's My Chemical Romance. They have returned.
I hate exercising but it's one of the things I have to do because I hate being fat and I don't want to be anymore but it's like uh exercising. And all the candy I got yesterday doesn not help. But I have to do it.. If this pays off I should be at my goal weight by hopefully September and maybe in July I'll be able to wear a bikini for the first time in my life ever. I want this for myself, I deserve it.
i am weightless
floating in a world so surreal

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