Best Productivity Quotes Today

Be ashamed to catch yourself idle.
My idea of productivity is finally watching the movie
that I haven't gotten around to watching.

Being productive is so easy. Tapping away at that keyboard and checking off those boxes can almost be done on autopilot. The hard part is finding motivation to be productive. But when you find that motivation, wherever you may find it; in yourself, from someone else, from that puppy that you swear winked at you at the park today- wherever, you need to hold onto it. And keep it fresh in your mind and don't let it die. Because that motivation will help churn out those essays and assignments, and it will help you tick more of those boxes and make you the productive 'go getter' person you've always known you could be.


Do something you're proud of today.

Okay, continue.
There are some days when I go home thinking I'll be really productive
and accomplish a lot of things, and then I see my ipod and I'm like

"screw this"
"The difference between what they said through their job ad and what they had upon selection as Ability, Skill and Knowledge in an incumbent,
shows the same variance on his productivity with its cascading effect on the overall performance of the system
and the same will reflect in the disparity between What They Commit and What They Deliver on part of their goods and services quality."
~Anuj Somany
“A proactive person needs no pressure to perform and an ineffective person offloads his pressure onto others to deform the positive work culture of the system. So practically, a progressive organization knows that no pressure environment plays a pivotal role to increase the productivity or proficiency of its workforce.”
~Anuj Somany
"Each and every employee of an organization does its publicity round-the-clock, but this image promotion as good or bad is LESS dependent on their performance or productivity related to business activity and MORE on their true brand identity imprinted in the hearts and minds of the society."
~Anuj Somany

"If the recruitment of candidates is done with HONESTY, then there will be no surveillance required on their work SINCERITY or PUNCTUALITY and relatively less need of product publicity in comparison to its arch rival's brand promotional activity."
~Anuj Somany
"An effective way to say as who is morally RIGHT is that if a person does speak or write the corrective things consistently, then the networking people often tend to ignore him or do not like his thoughts ever."
~Anuj Somany
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