Yourelikeareallygoodfriendofmineave Quotes

I love you, okay?
Like as a friend. Not that creepy 'I love you babe, you're mine. I'ma be clingy' type love.
You're like perfect and you mean the world to me.
You may not know this
But you are one of my closest friends.
I like trust you and I don't trust many people...
I understand your life is hard and all but please, stay strong.
I know I've said it to you atleast once but I will gladly say it again because it's true.
You're storm is only going on for so long because your briliant rainbow is taking longer than it takes others.
Please, always feel free to talk to me
Like no matter what, I will always listen to your problems.
Honestly, you're like one of the few reasons why I'm still alive,
You mean so much to me and I love you like you're my sister.
Like you have no idea.
I guess I'll end this by saying
We are in a pact,
You cry, I cry
You smile, I smile
You die, I die
Until the end of time.

Take care and stay beautiful,
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