
Status: I follow and comment back(:
Joined: April 22, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 294272
Gender: F

Kateee45's Favorite Quotes


5 Seconds of Summer just did a follow spree until they hit 1 million followers. All the boys were so happy and suddenly their account was at 995,000 followers. 5 THOUSAND people unfollowed them. The entire 5SOS family came together and began making fake accounts so the boys wouldn't come back online and be upset. They are almost back at 1 Million. I love the 5SOS family.

Reasons I don't like Justin Bieber

1) He said that r
.ape happens for a reason

2) At Anne Frank's house, he wrote in the guestbook that he hoped "she would have been a Belieber"

3) When asked to try being vegan, he spit out the vegan steak that was specially ordered for him

4) He makes his fans pay tons of money to see him live, even though he could afford having the tickets be $50 instead of $100 dollars for mezzanine seats

5) Once, he went to a childrens hospital in England and made them clear the area so he wouldn't have to wait near the sick children. He spent about 5 minutes with the children while the cameras were around and then left as soon as they wre gone.

6) He peed in a restaurant kitchen

7) Once, he faked a really bad asthma attack and the paramedics were called. He then proceeded to laugh is a
.ss off when they came through the door. His people talked the paramedics into not saying anything because, apparently, you can go to jail for that.

8) He wanted to go to a mall, once, and when the car came he sent it back because he didn't like the color. He then spent only 5 minutes at the mall before leaving and saying it was the sh ittiest mall he'd ever been to.

9) He didn't show up to one of his concerts until half way through the scheduled time

10) He's quoted to having screamed, "F
.uck Bill Clinton" to cameras

11) He attacked a paparazzi, who is suing.

12) When he went to Vermont, he was kicked out of every business he went to (IHOP, Hannaford, Walmart, etc.)

13) At a movie theater, he threw a huge temper tantrum when he was told that he couldn't bring his Subway sandwich into the movie, since it was against the rules. He made a mess in the theater and was carried out by one of his bodyguard, kicking and screaming.

14) Once, he randomly showed up to Disney unannounced and demanded that the entire Yachtsman Steakhouse be cleared- reservations cancelled and all- so that he could eat there. The staff had to call every single one of the guests to tell them that their reservations they had been planning for months were cancelled and wasn’t allowed to give them an explanation. Disney also decided that it wasn’t fair to their guests and gave them free dinner at another restaurant, which obviously lost them a lot of money and business for that night.

15) He spit on his fans

I don't dislike him because of his voice or his music. I dislike him because he is a terrible human being.
This quote does not exist.

Truly, Madly, Deeply
I Am Foolishly, Completely Falling. 
And Somehow You Kicked All My Walls In 
So Baby Say You'll Always Keep Me....

 Truly, Madly, Deeply 

♥ Heart It If You Love One Direction


Little Things

Chapter 6

"Harry?" I asked confused. Terrence gasped and looked around for help.
"I meant Henry.." He trailed off looking at 'Harry'.
"I don't know if I'm buying that.." I crossed my arms. "Why didn't you tell me your name was Harry. It's not like.. I would be mad or weirded out?" I said in more of a question. Who lies about their own names..? Suddenly Nick and Zach stood up.
"My names Niall." The Irish boy smiled and shook my hand taking off his sunglasses and beanie. He held out his hand and I shook it. What is going on?
"I'm Zayn." The boy who I thought was Zach said shaking my hand.
"Liam." Luke said. Why would they fake all their names! I feel like I don't even know these boys, they are complete strangers, and I invite them to go bowling with me. I don't even know their names! I thought I did..
"And I suppose your not Terrence." I muttered and crossed my arms.
"Louis." He smiled and revealed his eyes and hair. Noah and Mac looked just as confused as I am.
"I'm so stupid." I growled and walked off. The one time I actually thought I had friends and they lie to me. Yeah it may seem little to you, but they lied about something simple. Their own names! Why? Am I that embarrassing to be seen with? A bunch of questions swirled through my brain as I stepped outside. The cold nipped at my skin as I wrapped my arms around my torso for extra warmth. I forgot to get my jacket.. I felt a strong grip on my arm that turned me around. I looked up to see Luke. I mean Liam.
"What's wrong?" He asked, eyes full of concern.
"You guys don't know me! I don't know you! I didn't even know your names." I said a tear trying to escape my eyes. I bit my bottom lip to avoid crying.
"What do you mean?" He whispered softly. I sighed and looked into his eyes.
"Listen, I don't have friends. I get bullied everyday at school and no one cares about me besides family. Then I met you guys. I thought maybe it would change, I would finally have a friend-" He cut me off.
"Five friends." He corrected with a smile. I half smiled and continued.
"But then now it turns out I don't even know you guys! You guys didn't even tell me your names! Why? Am I just that ugly that you didn't want me to know your names? Or what? I finally get friends and I find out it was all fake." I whispered, a single tear escaping my eye. He gasped and whiped it with his sleeve.
"Oh, Gabby. Please don't cry. We are all so sorry. We didn't know-" He said but I cut him off.
"Exactly! You don't know.." I whispered looking down at my shoes.
"But we want to know. We want to know you, Gabby. We want to be your friends." He assured me and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me into a hug and I hugged back. I let a few tears slip into his shoulder. I had never told anyone about me getting bullied.
"Promise me you won't tell anyone. I never told anyone about me getting bullied and everything. Not even my family knows." I told him.
"Gabby-" He frowned.
"Liam. Please?" I asked searching his eyes.
"Fine." He sighed, giving in. I smiled and held out my hand.
"Say it." I demanded.
"I promise."

Lala I hope you guys like ;D I've deffinately lost readers from not posting for so long :L but oh well. At least I have ones who have stayed ;* hehe and I have no school today and I'm home alone... WITTY PROFILES IT IS :P
Kissies ;*

*I do not notify*


5 love languages

A person whose primary
language is Physical Touch is,
not surprisingly, very
touchy. Hugs, pats on the
back, and thoughtful touches
on the arm—they can all
be ways to show excitement,
concern, care, and love.
Physical presence and accessibility
are crucial, while neglect or
abuse can be unforgivable
and destructive.

In Quality Time,
nothing says “I love
you” like full, undivided
attention. Being there for this
type of person is critical,
but really being there—with the
TV off, fork and knife down,
and all chores and
tasks on standby—makes you
feel truly special and loved.
Distractions, postponed activities,
or the failure to listen can
be especially hurtful.

Can helping with homework
really be an expression of
love? Absolutely! Anything you
do to ease the burden of
responsibilities weighing on an
“Acts of Service” person
will speak volumes. The words
he or she most wants to hear: “Let me
do that for you.” Laziness,
broken commitments,
and making more work for them
tell speakers of
this language their feelings
don’t matter.

Actions don’t always speak
louder than words. If this is
your love language, unsolicited
compliments mean the
world to you. Hearing the words,
“I love you,” are important—
hearing the reasons behind that
love sends your spirits
skyward. Insults can leave you
shattered and are not
easily forgotten.

Don’t mistake this love
language for materialism; the
receiver of gifts thrives
on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort
behind the gift. If you speak
this language, the perfect gift or
gesture shows that you are
known, you are cared for, and
you are prized above
whatever was sacrificed to
bring the gift to you. A
missed birthday or a hasty,
thoughtless gift would be
disastrous—so would the
absence of everyday gestures.

which are you?


f o r m a t   j i m m y 3 6 5  |  l o v e


Someone Loves Me

Chapter 11

Diana's POV

I have a secret. 
That no one else knows.  
Not even Dyaln.

I have cancer. And I refuse the treatment. It hasn't shown signs of getting worse. I constantly feel weak. I was diagnosed with cancer a week after Dylan's surgery. It's taking its toll.

I'm sitting in class right now. I feel like I'm gonna pass out. I'm pale. I look terrible. Dylan's sitting next to me. His surgery was a success. He can hear now. He says that the greatest part of the surgery wasn't being able to hear again. It was being able to hear my voice. It was perfect.

But now I'm going to throw up. I hold my stomach. Dylan's holding my left hand. I cough, putting my hand over my mouth. I check it. Blood again. I'm not healthy. I don't want treatment because I want to make it through without help. I'm tough and I'll prove it here. I wipe it off on my pants. The bell rings and we gather our stuff to go. When I'm in the hall, Dylan's talking about the drafting assignment he has to do. I suddenly go into a coughing fit. I feel light headed. Dylan's patting my back.

"Are you okay?" His words are still a little wierd, he's still getting used to talking. I nod and cough into my hand again. I hope Dylan doesn't see it. I cough hard enough that my throat hurts and I almost faint. I drop my books and fall to my knees. Dylan crouching beside me. I cough into my hand once more and wipe it on my jeans. I don't realise there's some blood on my cheek.

"Oh my God! Dia, are you okay?" Frankie's suddenly here. I nod and wipe it off my cheek. I can't hold the vomit in anymore. I throw up on the floor. Frankie screams and Dylan yells for help. I open my eyes. It's my own blood I've thrown up. I look at it on my hands, my shirt, my jeans. It's too much. I collapse in my blood. Dylan is crying. I can't see anything clearly now. I raise my hand up shakily and Dylan clutches it. He moves me into his arms and holds me. Everyone is crowded around me. A teacher is here on her phone. Some people are crying. Others look like they're gonna throw up, too.

That's all I remember before the world went black.

Sad, right? I went with a more dramatic approach, since what I've been doing isn't working. Like it? Bye.
Someone Loves Me

Chapter 10

Dylan's POV

I woke up. I still couldn't hear. I don't know if it worked or not. I sit up. My head hurts. I look down, seeing Diana asleep with my hand in hers. I wanted to smile, but my body was still out of it. I saw my mom move and she looked at me. Her eyes widened and she came over to my side. Soon, a doctor and three nurses were by my side. Diana was in the corner with Frankie. She was smiling a big smile.

Diana's POV

He was awake. He looked pretty good. I don't know if it worked. He was sitting up. I didn't know he was awake. His mom had seen him and she started flipping out and the doctor and three other nurses. They were all by his side and speaking medical talk. I wanted to shoo them all away so I could get by his side. I knew I had to stay out of the way, though. I heard them say he was okay and stable, and I just smiled. Frankie came over and hooked her arm around me. I rested my head on her shoulder and caught Dylan smiling at me. He was smiling a big smile.

Sorry, it was so short. Like? Bye.
I don't know where we went wrong.

 My Beautiful Secret
                                  Chapter 9

9 months later
"I can't believe you didn't tell anyone." Monica stabs her icecream with a spoon in frustration. 
I frown at the thought of never being able to see Luke again and spin my spoon around in the melted mess. I try to ignore all of Monica's talk about how that was incredibly dangerous and how I could've been hurt. But I don't care. I just want to go back to when I didn't know who was responsible for my sister's death. 
"Nicole? Are you even listening?" Monica tosses her spoon at me. I blink in confusion as it hits against my forehead. 
I'm about to say something when the news catches my attention. I run over to the couch and turn the volume up. I gasp in shock when Luke's adoring face flashes on the television. 
I just want to touch him. I've missed him so much. 
"New evidence has been found that Luke Marshall is not Anna Harris' killer. Luke Marshall has been protecting someone. The name of the true murderer has not been released." The reporter's voice echoes through my head.
Luke Marshall is not Anna Harris' killer.
I turn towards Monica smiling. She gapes as she tries to interpret what she just heard. 
"Do you know what this means?" I scream in excitement and confusion. 
Before Monica has a chance to answer, I doubt she was going to say a word, my phone starts buzzing. 
"Did you hear about Luke?" My Mom's voice seems just as excited as mine. 
I nod- forgetting that she cannot see me. "Yes!"
"He's being released tomorrow morning." 
I feel my face stretch into a smile. I finally get to feel his arms hold me and his smell of spice envelope me. I get to feel his soft warm lips against mine. 

"Do you see him?" Monica asks me from down the hall. 
I slip my shaky fingers through the long white curtain and press my forehead against the cool glass. I squint as I try to make out a figure heading towards the door. 
"Monica! He's coming!" I rush towards the end of the hallway, basically tripping over my own feet as I run. 
I hear the doorknob turn as I crouch next to Monica. The light flashes on but I rest my hand on Monica's shoulder, gesturing for her to wait. 
We look at each other, well aware of what the other is thinking. The strange man walks back outside, calling for another person.
We both rush down the hall and into Luke's bedroom. I carefully close the door, sighing in relief when I hear the snap of the lock. 
"Who is that?" Monica stares out the window. 
"I don't know. Why are they here?" 
Monica shrugs and turns back to the window. In a split second the curtains are closed and she's panting on the other side of the room.
"What?" I hiss at her. 
"One of them saw me!" She stares at the window in complete horror. 
"No they..." I'm cut off at the sound of a knock against the locked door. 
"Is anyone in here?" A rather deep, but shy, voice asks.
Monica lays her head on the floor, trying to get a view from below the door. 
"Nobody is in there." An annoyed voice yells at him. 
"I swear I saw some girl." The deep voice chokes back. 
"Then kick it open." The other voice comes closer.
Before we can move the door is kicked down, completely exposing us. 
I wince as I'm banged against a wall. A tall man bangs my head against the wall causing me to fall to the ground. 
"What are you doing?! Not her!" I think I hear Monica shout at the two men. 
I feel myself being lifted as my vision starts to blur. I fight the urge to slip into unconsciousness but one last blow to the head knocks me out.