
Joined: April 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 164509
Hello Kehd [; 

I`m Alyssa [;

I`m Blonde . Blue Eyes . Shortish[: .
I love my friends<3
I believe if you want succsess you need to earn it . 
Music (Drake) is my life .
I love the beach .
I`m not pretty . I think I`m ugly .
I love my dog Chance<3 
He`s like my fucking life !
My bestfriends are Jill & Kaitlyn
Look at my lovely followers !
They`re amazingg <333 .
Follow / Fav Me !
Lemme know if you need advice , want me to do a quote / border and give me ideas for a story to write on or off here [:
Thankuu so much <3 .
I follow most of my followers back [: .
Witty is my place to vent & be myself .
I`m not looking for faves but I like them ! [; .

Bc she`s DOPE !?!?!?!
Yes , yes she is <3 .



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Following 211