
Status: R.I.P
Joined: January 14, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 346277
Location: Somewhere Better
Gender: M
R.I.P Mason,
I wish you didn't have to committ suicide, you were amazing.
-JamesHere123, James

Mason, I love you. You were my first love, and I'll never forget you. I love you with all my heart. 
-Ijust34, Anthony

Mason, you were the best brother anyone could ever had no longer judged.

You're a fighter, and an amazing brother, have fun where you are.
Image and video hosting by TinyPicDating an amazing guy named Anthony, Ijust34 on Witty :)
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My friend James, decided to cheer me up from coming back from the hostpital by bringing me to a bowling alley with two other of our friends; Anthony and Trevor. While coming into the bowling alley, Anthony said "Hope you're okay." Then kissed me. I've never felt more loved in my life.

MagicMason's Favorite Quotes

There was a huge lump in my throat. I got my jacket and out of my house, ran two blocks. No cars were in the driveway, the front door was wide open. I ran inside. I heard someone yelling and crying. I ran into his room. I saw his best friend laying by his side and trying to wake him up. I fell down to his side and tried mouth to mouth. He wasn't waking up. My vision got blurry, and his best friend finally said 

'He's Gone.'

I didn't want to believe it. He was my first love, my first everything. We waited for the ambulance to come, and his family. I held his hand and kept praying to god that he wasn't gone. They took him to the hostpital. I staying by his side the whole entire time. His best friend was there too, sitting by his side, and praying with me. The flat line went flat. I broke down and cried. James ran out, yelling for a doctor. I cried into his chest, hugging him and whispering 'Please don't be gone, I love you.' The doctors pushed us out. That was the last time I held him in my arms. 

R.I.P Mason

I love you Mason, with all my heart. I don't think I'll love anyone more than I'll love you. Me, your family misses you, James misses you. We thought you were alright. But no. You're in a better place now, no longer will you suffer from people making fun you, no judgement. I guess that was the reason why you did it. Bottom line, I love you.

This is my 200th quote.
I want to make it count.
This one is for Mason (MagicMason)

★I will treat other people the way I want them to treat me.
★Even if I disagree with someone, I will respect them and not call them names.
★I will not harm or hurt another person with my hands or my words.
★I will not spread lies, rumors or hurtful comments on the Internet, Facebook, MySpace, texting or e-mail.
★I will not insult or make fun of people who are different from me.
★I will defend every person’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness regardless of who they are.
That awesome moment
When you actually understand something in math
This quote does not exist.
Me and my friend Mason in class:

Teacher: You know, when, you're just chillin'. . . 
Teacher: Mason, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you extra credit for that.
Me: So much win!

Let the skyfall
let it crumble
            We will stand tall
[[face it all]]
together as the


I think I've found the one.
I don't always have six pack abs, but when I do, I discover Cool Ranch Doritos.

                 *Ha, I've never had abs before          
That moment when you have so much presciption bottles on your dresser that it looks like you're a drug addict.
This quote does not exist.