Best Bottom Quotes This Year

I got 98.768 problems and rounding up is one of them.

If our destiny is to eventually drown...
Then let us sink to the very bottom.

now we're here
started from the bottom
I'm completely broken,
and I haven't even hit
rock bottom yet.

       Because pieces of your heart clearly weigh more when
       they're sitting shattered at the bottom of your stomach
                                                                              - Heather Brewer

started from the bottom 
now we're here.

Started from the bottom and somehow got even lower

don't speak, just use your touch

My heart plunges to the bottom of my feet when someone spoils a book for me.
Novels are an escape for just a few moments, stripping away all your worry &misery.
It is an adventure you have not yourself experienced exactly as the protagonist has.
It is a piece of life that will make you laugh and cry over people that do not exist.
The book itself along with the characters can be there for you when nobody else is.
The book can have a meaning to you afterwards.
Novels are a gift, a simple piece of literature that makes you listen with your eyes.
My heart demands an apology when it is taken from what could have been an adventure.


Hold my hand, oh baby it's a long way down to the bottom of the river 
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