Best Career Quotes Ever

I'm stressed because I don't want to be a nurse or a teacher or a lawyer.
I just want to read books and listen to music and travel and drink coffee. But, there's so much pressure to become successful in terms of money and my career and I don't want to do any of that.

Archaeologist: A person whose career lies in ruins.

I'm confused -
not a misunderstanding confused,
not a complicated math problem confused,
not hearing someone speak a different language confused,
but confused with myself.
Confused that I don't know what I want to be.
Confused that I'm expected to know at only seventeen.
Confused about life.


Lately, many adults have been forcing the idea of my future career down my throat. And while I certainly understand where they are coming from in that, I believe they are missing the fact that I am but the tender age of fourteen. I am at currently a point where I can't remember half of my life, yet I am supposed to plan out my next fifty years.
I say I wanna be a shrink or guidance councelor, and I get looked at like an alien would. Why are people so shocked that I wanna help others!?
So my parents and I were talking about my future the other day and this happened...

My mom: You'll be top of all your classes in college and you'll find a career that you love. You're going to change the world and live a long and full life. Someday you're going to get married and give me lots of grandchildren and I'll bake cookies and give them mints, it will be wonderful! I can see them now- green eyed and brown haired ahh.

My dad: You know what's a good career move that you haven't even considered? Mhmm- a nun. Yup, a nun is the perfect career for you.

OMG. So yeah, that happened. Thanks dad, I'll get right on that "becoming a nun" thing. XD

Person: So.. What do you do for a living?

Me: I kill Zombies.

Person: But Zombies don't exist..

Me: Have you ever seen a Zombie?

Person: .... No ....
Me: You're welcome :D

           music ithe  answer.
it always has been, and i've always known that, i just refused to accept it cause i was scared of the ineviotably high probability of it not happening.buthat is all want to do with  mlife and that's the only thing I'd ever love doing forever because it lives within the very depths of my heart & soul because it's the only thing that makes me feel alive.

       What are you going be when you grow up?
Five Years Old: A princess/Astronaut/firefighter/mom or Dad.

Twelve Years Old: Maybe a Lawyer or Teacher or a cop or doctor

Graduation: Crap what am I gonna be...?
If you can't spell your future career then I think you should rethink that.
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