Best Contest_relatable_quotes Quotes Today

Teens - wut es up! wut r u doing 2day? want 2 go & do sum stuff
Adults - What are you doing today? Want to hang out?

Teens - Hey! What you doing today? Want to hang out?
Adults - wut es up! wut r u doing 2day? want 2 go & do sum stuff

i was meant to be born a spoiled rich white girl in manhattan but something went wrong idk 

At  McDonalds  last  night  this  dude,
 gave me the wrong flavoured mcflurry, 
    so i threw it back at him and yelled   ,
"You McF/cked up. 

format credit to: Jade672

Dont spend too much time on
worrying about your mistakes.
Mistakes become experience.


why can't periods just last for like an hour, like okay you've made your point, I'm not pregnant you can leave now
Format chickittylover

Facebook would b. .
way cooler if it was on t.v, "in other news joes 
girlfriend is a cold heartless b/tch.
 details at eleven . . . .

what if eyebrows went
all the way around our eyes
Old people are either super nice
or the meanest people on earth 
there is no inbetween. 


i want to play twister with someone really hot
oops i fell & touched your whole body

during a maths test:
me: my answer = 23
answer choices: 170, 195, 264, 362
me: well 23 is closest to 170, so that must be the answer
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