Best Fireworks Quotes Ever

I hate when people put irrelevant tags in their quotes
 1: My cat Died.
2: My sister said she would bring me to fireworks, then never did.
3: My parents planned a party for saturday with fireworks and everything, My sister isn't going.

Your probably saying "Boo-Hoo get over it"

Reasons why I can't:
1: That cat, was my best friend, I have had her since I was a baby, I grew up with her, She was the only thing that really meant anything to me
2: I love fireworks, They are so pretty. I don't get to see pretty stuff everyday, You would understand if you were in my shoes
3: The only reason why I was looking forward to the party, was to have my sister there. It feels like I don't even know her anymore, I wanted to have fun, Like old times.

I swear every time you talk to me, or even look
at me, it's nowhere near fireworks, it's a bomb explosion.

"But maybe snow is just angels flicking ashes from their cigarettes down to earth,
and the days we spend home from school playing in powdered crystals
will leave us coughing up smoke when we turn 16.

and the light pink dress your mother used to make you wear will turn red where it hits your hips and kisses the tips of your wrists,
and your mother will ask you why there’s blood on all your clothing
and you’ll pretend like you haven’t been doing drugs in the bathroom at school and crying so much.

and one of these days I’ll scream at you to kiss me, and you’ll do it
and we’ll both burn into the ground and watch our bones melt into nothing
because we are nothing,br> even though we’ve got ourselves convinced that we’re the world.
but at least your lips are against mine.

and you don’t always feel it at first, but when you feel it oh god
you feel it.

and liquor seems like a good idea
until it’s not.

and you’ll get better at feeling sorry for yourself and bandaging cuts.

and you’ll get better at finding the stars under your skin, and learning to breathe again.

and you’ll lose your f*cking mind
but you’ll find it.

and again,
and again.

and I’m terrified of growing up,
and leaving behind chapped lips
and peach tasting kisses
and fireworks
and headaches
and eyes filled with oceans pouring down your face and flooding your mouth,
but I would go anywhere with you."
Person: I remember I used to get 600 faves





who's the a//hole doing fireworks on July 5th. 

I  T  '  S       L  I  K  E       Y  O  U       W  E  R  E



Sorry Steve,
The Stanley Cup belongs in Chicago

                                       I'm shining like fireworks
                                                    over your sad, empty town.

So this is the end of you and me, we had a good run and I'm setting you free to do as you want to do as you please without me.


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