Best Mirror Quotes Today


Mirror is my best friend, because when I cry, it never laughs

-Charlie Chaplin

formatcredit- rajsonkar
I am disgusted by What I see in the mirror.

My doctor told me to watch my
drinking. So, I'm off to find a bar with a mirror.


when i look in the mirror I either think im the hottest
person ever or a piece of sh.t
there is no in between


6 years old.

blue ribbon, silk ribbon,

streaming through my hair.

pigtails, toothless smile;

Mirror am I pretty yet?

10 years old.

ponytail, bobby pins,

taming my messy hair.

chubby thighs, crooked smile;

Mirror am I pretty yet?

14 years old.

straight hair, lipstick,

mascara running through my


trembling knees, broken smile;

Mirror am I pretty yet?

16 years old.

messy bun, chapped lips,

sobbing eyes, bloody wrists.

bony thighs, fake smile;

Mirror am I pretty yet?


(Julie Martinez)

me: how much is this poster of the incredibly sexy woman?
salesman: that's a mirror, miss.

The mirror can lie,
It doesn't show you what's inside.
When I was little people always asked
"Kelsey, why do you always wear sweatshirts?"
I wore sweatshirts all the time
Even if it was a 100 degrees
I wanted to hide my body
I was so insecure
People always said I was skinny
But I didn't believe them
When I looked in the mirror I felt like the fattest and ugliest monster ever
I didn't want anyone to see my body
I wore baggy clothes
I didn't want anyone to notice my body
But as I grew up I became more comfortable with my body
Lately I've been wearing cami's and short shorts and showing off my body
I feel more comfortable and it gives me a confidence boost
I've learned to love my body
Sometimes I'm a little insecure but not as much as I used to be
I've learned to accept who I am
I don't really care what people think even though everytime someone compliments me I become happy and feel like I'm worth something
There's always going to be a battle with me and the mirror
But I'm not going to let the mirror win
I am myself
I'm not changing to impress people
I'm proud that I got over my fear
I feel more comfortable with my body and I'm more fun and myself
I stop worrying about how I look or about hiding so no one knows
I'm tired of hiding
I've become a happier person and people have recognized it
Before people can love you
You have to love yourself
My name is Kelsey
And I love who I am even though I have flaws
They make me who I am
I'm simply perfectly imperfect

Life is like a mirror;
it you smile at it,
it will smile at you

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