Best Myboy Quotes This Week

It's scary when you find the one
because you know you could lose him
at any given moment, and I don't know

if I'd ever recover.


It seems impossible, but I think his heart is
even prettier than his eyes.

*finally gets out of bed*
*neil armstrong appears*
That's 1 small step for man
after all the stuff you've put me through
Theres still no one else on my mind
but you
My music is blasting, and I'm texting my boy. My day couldn't be better right now.

Even when I should be crying.. 
I see your name,
I hear your voice,
 You tell me you love me
and I can't help..

((( Smile )))


I worry about you. 

I fear losing you.

You never know the last time you'll see or talk to someone.

Losing you is my biggest fear.
Yes , I am a girl.
Hands of me, my boyfriend and my phone.
i love you so much more than i could ever even try to put into words
When you have the perfect boyfriend who calls you perfect and the best girlfriend in the world. A boy who also send you cute texts telling you that he will always love you for who you are...
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