Best Tour Quotes This Month

*leaves class to go to the toilet*

*tours the entire school*

i have respect for female band
members cause imagine having
your period on tour omfg
I mean dating a band member would be pretty hard because they'd be on tour and stuff but I think it'd be worth it because you can just go on Tumblr & scroll their tag and just smirk to yourself while thinking
guess who's getting that díck
Not you
Guess who's seeing One Direction this summer?

Dis girllll. ♥
  Aided by an Angel

Chapter Twenty-One ; PART I
Miracle's POV:

    We had toured the United States for a month now and tonight was our last show in the country. We had played in Los Angels, Dallas, Orlando, New York City, and our final show was in Philadelphia. Both mine and Parker's families were coming out to see us tonight, which was amazing. We haven't seen them since June when we came cross country to try out for X Factor. The sad thing was that our show ended at seven o'clock tonight and then we'd have to catch a flight to Heathrow at ten. So basically, we'd have only an hour to spend with everyone before we were gone for a few more months.
   I stared into my mirror and applied the last bit of red stain to my lips. Parker was watching me from across the room. He looked real proper tonight; he was in a suit and tie, just like he wore to our prom. I guess he changed up his wardrobe from jeans and a tee to a suit and tie so he looked nice when he saw his parents and sister. "What's the matter with you, hot stuff?"
   "Nothing," He shook his head and started to make his way closer to me. I stood up and patted down my navy blue dress. "You just look exceptionally beautiful tonight, Miss Payne." I felt the chill of his fingers graze the slits in my dress as he hugged me from behind. My eyes caught my reflection and I admired my outfit. The dress was beaded with random colors and my warm curls occasionally became tangled in the beads. I was now just as tall as him in my orange heels which I knew, secretly, ticked him off.
   "You look pretty sharp too, Parker." I turned my face to look at him once last time before our stage manager yelled in our door.
   "Five minutes, kids! Let's go!"
   "Come on!" He grabbed my hand and we ran to the side of the stage. We opened the show for Jonathan since we came in second and, honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way. We played a few sets, left, and came back for the final bow right before the concert was over. It was just enough for me. Tonight we sang three songs and the final one I chose to sing Moments to let my father know I was thinking about him. After that, Parker and I ran back stage and started to pack up our last minute things for Europe. We decided to get changed at the airport; I wanted to look nice for Momma and Daddy. Zac too.
   After we took our bow, we raced back to the dressing room. We didn't want to miss our families. Before we got back there, I saw Momma resting in Niall's arms on the sofa. Aaron was next to them and Daddy was sitting at my, now, empty make-up station. "Hey girlie, come give us all hugs!" Niall got up and walked to me. I pulled him in for a hug and realized how much I missed him. He looked good and he didn't smell bad. He must be doing good.
   Mr. and Mrs. Styles and a sad Darcy stood against the wall by Parker's things. She had called me a few weeks ago and told me she was moving home from California. Her and Rocco had broken up after she gave up her virginity to him. The last I had heard from her, she was waiting to take a pregnancy test. I haven't heard from her so I'm assuming it was a negative. Here wasn't the place to bring it up, so I'd call her tomorrow when we land. Parker ran right to them and embraced them happily. "You look like a rock star!" Aaron exclaimed while I ruffled his soft, blonde hair.
   "That's 'cause she is now, Aaron." Momma said. "You look very nice, Baby."
   "Thank you," I wrapped my arms around her neck and held onto her as tight as I could. My emotions flooded over me when I touched her and I almost cried. I saw Daddy come to me and my tears stopped before they could fall. "Hi Daddy."
   "Hi Sweetheart. I'm so proud," I gave yet another hug until he pulled away. "Wow, what was that?" He pointed to my stomach.
   "Oh yeah, me and some of the other girls from the competition went out and got our belly button's pierced during boot camp. Like it?" I tugged my dress over so my star ring popped out of the slits.
   "Uh, yeah. It's nice." He scratched at the back of his head and twisted his face. "Don't you need parental concent to get that done?" His eyes shot over to Momma, I guess trying to ask her.
   "Nope, I'm eighteen. I can make my own decisions since I'm legal." Daddy grew pale and I punched him playfully. I knew he didn't like that. He and Momma hated that I was growing up. Looks like they can't keep me in their bubble anymore. "Uhm, where's Zac?"
I miss my boyfriend. </3
He's always on tour.
Or in rehearsals.
Or doing interviews where he denies our relationship.
Or pretening I don't exist.
He's so silly <3
I asked my mom if I could go to Vans Warped Tour when it came to my city in July. Here response?
"I've never heard of that band. Not surprising."
Oh man I can't wait for the next mcr tour.
It's be great
I bet they'll have a new album out next year too
Haha, silly Gerard thinking they've broken up
They haven't broken up.
mcr has not broken up (•≈•)

I want to go to Narnia

                 WARPED TOUR

Summer needs to hurry up fast
Warped tour is on its way
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