Best Craving Quotes This Month

He's perfect.
He's the kind of boy every girl fanticizes about.
He's got those kind of eyes every girl melts at.
He's got the kind of smile that instantly makes you burn.
He's got the kind of laugh that softens your soul.
He's got that kind of voice that you'd listen to everyday and never get tired of.
He's got that kind of presence that makes you feel alive.
He's got that kind of humor which could keep you laughing for weeks.
He gives those kind of hugs which make a second feel like an eternity.
And I mean that in the best way imaginable.

He's just that one person
that you crave.
     I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the 
    DaILY  LIFe.

I drink so much sunny D my nickname should be Juno....I used to keep jugs of sunny D under my bed...not just one jug...but two of the biggest jugs they have....they even had handles... xD
First it burns,

Then it calms to a fuzzy kind of warm.

But then there's the numbness.

And that's what I need.
And I'm still craving you. Your arms around me. You're breath on my neck. Your fingers trailing my face, and you lips on mine. You voice, soft and sweet but husky, and your eye staring right back at me, thoughts dancing through your pupils. Your comments to everything, and your smile. Your hand around mine, and your protectiveness. I need you right now.
craving your touch more and more by the second
I am literally craving for chocolate, sweets, Ice-cream, cream cakes , smarties and anything with sugar in!
The craving for food I have right now is getting out of hand.

it's crazy how much i crave
hurting myself.

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