Minutes Quotes


counting the hours
one minute to go
I tried to help
a deal made
make it now
price goes up
better be quick
I am a man
such beauty I know
no energy to stand
smiles and tears
hope for tomorrow
survivor for now
the time I thought
surrounded by love
who ate the candy
no popcorn today
to much pain
your heart is full
best not to count
I did as you asked
Dear  Friend,

Whenever we start talking again, it's like we never stopped.
I can't imagine my life without you. You make my sadness disappear
with your beautiful smile. I wish I could have met you years ago, 
beacuse maybe I wouldn't be so sad all the time now, but I'm not
going to lie it hurts me more to see you sad. 

Thank you for being my friend


Sometimes we are only given
a few minutes to be with 
the one we love.
And thousands of hours
to spend thinking about them.


maybe i can watch this hour long movie in ten minutes
For every mintue you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness
i spend my weekdays
counting down to the weekend

i spend my daytimes
counting down to nighttime

i spend my minutes
counting down to a new 

i spend all of my time
counting time, wasting time

and i don't want to anymore

ME: I'll do it in five minutes

ME: it's been an hour already

 Me : I'll do it in five minutes


There's not enough minutes in an hour or hours in a day.

I  swear microwave minutes
is longer than regular minutes.

Don't ask me what my favorite of anything is unless you want me to have
a stressful inernal struggle for several minutes trying to decide
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