Scale Quotes

Cosmic clock, you are so long. You are so finely divided. You are so continuously variable. A bug lives a fast life in a month, a small fish a year. I've lived decades and I probably have more. It seems like a long time when I think back. It's nothing compared to you. You are the expanse within which continents jiggle around like water droplets on a hot skillet. You are the scale at which binary stars encircle each other in a guitar string's blur. You watch a galaxy vortex into its black hole while I watch my bathtub drain. What is it like to know the expansion of the universe as a sneeze?

The scale goes: great, good, okay, not okay, I hate you, fine.


 The scale
can only give you
a numerical reflection
of your reliationship with gravity
That's it.
It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, possibility, strenght or love.

Remember stepping on the scale as a child and thinking how cool it was.
Now it's just another way to put you down and make you feel worthless.
I give your performance a 10.....

on the pH scale cuz it was soooo basic

It kills me not knowing the number on the scale because I haven't weighed myself at all for the past two days... I'm terrified of what the number will be.

On a scale of 1-to-steve

How awesome are you ?

It has ruined my life.

Don't eat.
bunnylover43 Format (

Me every time I step on the scale: It better be low.

If you had to rate your hair from

 Hobo - Just brushed
What would it be? 
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