Best Control Quotes Ever

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And all thkidcried out
"please stop, you're scaring me"
godd.amn right you should be scared of me
who is in control?

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How am i meant to control my life, i can't even control my hair  

why am i so emotional?
no it's not a good look
gain some self control

I am the controller of my own life, thankyou very much.
*Snatches remote control off parents*

this love's shining brighter than gold
this love is like letters in bold
this love is like out of control
this love is never growing old
you make it new
still falling for you

Whatever angers you, owns you, and the more I thought about it, the more I realised it was true, so so true. 

And her grades dropped
        From a ninety eight to a ninety two
And she stopped eating
       From three helpings to just one
And she stopped sleeping
       From ten hours to only six
And these changes were subtle
       But theyre still there
And she slowly fell apart
       Piece by tiny piece

An her grades plummeted
       She's failing now
And she stopped eating
       She hasn't had a bite
And she stopped sleeping
       She's lucky to get an hour
And these changes seemed sudden
      But they were there all along
And she fellapart a while ago
     And no one could put her back together


Tie a noose around your mind loose
enough to breathe fine & tie it,
to a tree, tell it, "You belong to me! 
This ain't a noose, this is a leash,
& I have news for you, you must obey me."

Everyone will be broken at some point of life.
And so often, it will hurt like hell.
But things like this you can’t control,
The pain and hurt you go through.
Shapes you up for the future.
And just when you think everything is fine.
That isn’t safe to trust and love again.
It will hit you like a ton of bricks.
And you will fall.
So much harder this time.
And you find yourself deeper than before.
But these things ,  
are just meant to be. 
So she lives with no regret.
She accepts everything.
Knowing the pain will ease in time.


Rest Your Mind

and rest your hands. Travel to a distant land. You don't have to fear your nightmares; every dream is in your command. Take advantage of the escape. Do your best before you wake. If you fight to feel free  /////////////////
the prison bars of your life will fade

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