Best Disagree Quotes Today

When you post a quote
And you're saying something bad about yourself
And someone faves it

Does that mean they agree with it or...?
To those of you who disagree with my opinions
stop hating on me for it and just ignore what I say

If you think you're ugly, comment a smiley face, 
and whoever votes up your comment disagrees.
Some people just don't understand the meaning of
sometimes i wish i was a boy. even if i had to be one of those 'nice guys' who never really got the girl. Even if they finish last, they still finish. because as a boy, you don't always have to be six feet tall and muscular to be the guy of a girl's dreams. in most cases, you only have to make her laugh and treat her well.

us girls have to have everything. perfect boobs, perfect cleavage, perfect butt, skinny waist, silky flowing hair that guys can run their grimy fingers through, perfect skin, a face that looks good with and without makeup. and yet at the same time we have to be "not like other girls". ANd girls like me who don't fit this criteria, who know there are better looking girls out there, who see these girls at school, on their instagram feeds, with their perfect faces and perfect bodies and the 20+ comments on their pictures and the fact that your crush has liked some of those pictures, we know that you like that and the fact that we don't look that way makes us feel that you are settling for less -- less meaning us. you tell me that my body is fine the way it is but we both know based on the girls you think are "perfect" that if you could Mess with theirs over mine, you would.

As a boy, i could look at beautiful girls and fantasize about them and wish i could get with them even if i never could. i would rather have that than look at bodies and faces that i could never own no matter how hard i tried to live up to it. As a male you have a high chance of winning eventually if you haven't yet, no matter what your background or physique. but from the male perspective, girls must be perfect. And if not, thats when guys think about flatter stomachs and curvier hips instead of yours and pick you apart with their loser guy friends and try to find every flaw when you do something wrong or you two break up.

i know there are men out there who are not like this. i know there are women out there who aren't insecure about this stuff. but from my experience, it is rare.

          It has been said 'time heals all wounds.' I do
          not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the
          mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with
          scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is
         never gone.

          - Rose Kennedy
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