
Joined: December 15, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 95977
If you were here beside me instead of in New York, if the curve of you was curved on me, I'd tell you that I loved you before I ever knew you. -Snow Patrol 7/14/2012  
Hey there, cutie! (:
My name's Farah, and I'm 17. & pretty much, like most of you, I'm obsessed with witty. If you need help/advice just ask whatever you want! I listen to almost all kinds of music except oldies and metal. I'm basically movie obsessed. Johnny Depp is my role model and inspiration.

--> "There's nothing - you know - nothing else like music. Nothing that touches us on that deep level. Music can open up so many emotions that we didn't know we had. It's the magical thing about musicals, you know, on the stage or on film or whatever. Love songs. They work so well because music touches us, emotionally, where words alone can't."
--> "Ugliness is better than beauty. It lasts longer and, in the end, gravity will get us all. "
--> "We're all damaged in our own way. Nobody's perfect. I think we are all somewhat screwy, every single one of us. "
--Johnny Depp^^.♥
♥HE IS WE♥Taylor Swift♥Rihanna♥A Rocket to the Moon♥Beyonce♥Katy Perry
Colbie Caillat♥
I'm not going on here a lot so yeah.


Johnny Depp

Quotes by laughter_14

you're hiding in the closet again,

start smiling,
I know you're trying real hard,
not to turn your head away.
Pretty darling, face tomorrow,
tomorrow is not yesterday.


Format by Sandrasaurus

& I swear, you're just like a pill.

But instead of making me better, you

keep making me ill.

Format Credit: Sandrasaurus
*So don't tell me you can't forgive me, cause nobody's perfect.*

i am in a long distance relationship;
  My husband lives in the future.
*format credit: Sandrasaurus_

*You say good morning when it's midnight.* 

     Best part of being famous?

you don't need to have a camera
with you all the time.

         The papparazi do it for you.

                      So the best moments of your life are pictured.

format credit: Sandrasaurus