
Joined: November 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 242568
Gender: F

Hello, I'm Lily
I don't actually know how to begin to explain myself    .

Lets just start with dot points, they usually work right?

1. I love gaming. Get out of my face if you don't know

who Link is. Or Waluigi for that matter.                   

2. One Direction, Cher Lloyd, What About Tonight      

and Ed Sheeran are incredible.                                     

3. I love Pokemon. If your favourite pokemon is          

Bidoof, I will be judging you.                                         

4. I hate potatoes.                                                                         

5. Five is my lucky number.                                                     

6. I want to go travelling with the Doctor                           

7. Marty McFly is a sexy beast.                                              
   8. The Hunger Games and Harry potter are ledgendary

 9. I'm fifteen.                                                                                   
                               10. Ten is a weird number and most of these points weren't about me.

11. Avengers is possibly the best movie released. Ever