
Joined: November 29, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 17058
heyy ... janelle here .. ii hOpe yOo liike sOme Of my quOteSz;; mOst aRe OriigiinalSz .. but iiF nOt, they aRe eiither :: ;;OneSz ii thOuqht were qutEe // _ LyriiCSZ // "Or made by my friiendSz .. [[sOrrY iif they are sOmeOne else`Sz OriigiinAlSz ..iiF ii pOsted them, iiT meAnSz ii liiKe theM A LOT ..]] heRe`Sz my myspace liinKk .. http://www.myspace.com/10962227 yOo miiqht haVe tOo cOpy and paste iiT iintO the aDdreSsz bar, bUt iiTSz all wOrth iiT! ; ) iiqht .. iiM OUt .. gOodbYe my lOve.. janelle x3 mara and iiT hUrtSz sOo muCh shE can`t even cRyy anymOre .. x/3