
Joined: April 20, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 36451
I don't know, what there is to say about me. I guess I'm just your average 15 year old girl that role plays on myspace and makes quotes and icons. I love Manga and Anime and Harry Potter, and I'm just a very basic person. I'm not that interesting. I took a break from this because I was out living my life instead of writing about it, but it's time to sit back and reflect. And our mottos are what define us, and our mottos are the quotes of others and ourselves, molded into our own interpretations. Yeah, I've thought about that a lot + I don't edit quotes for people. If you IM me, it better be to chat..NOT to ask me to make you look creative. + I'm impatient, bitchy, and short tempered, but deep down...I care. + I have alot of phobias and dislikes. Forgive me for my faults, there are several of them. I promise there's something of me worth keeping.