
Joined: January 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 146249
I'm Hope.
1. I'm a teenage girl.
2. You probably wont like me.
3. I have some best friends.
4. I have lots of Enemies too.
5. My Boyfriend is Kylor. <3
6. When I'm talking, You better
    be listening.
7. I play a pretty mean game of
8. I'm a strong believer of Gay
9. I'm A Christian. Jesus all the
10. I've had 6 surgeries, 2
     including heart surgeries.
11. I believe there is someone
     out there for everyone.
12. Sing me to sleep, I'll be the
     happiest girl in the world.
13. I want to be a 
14. I always have my phone, 
     Ipod, and Camera with me.
The End.
I'm Hope, and I live in Nebraska.
Me without You

hello, and Welcome to my profile.(: Enjoy yourself.