If you allow someone to be who they are and they allow you to be who you are, then that's Love. Anything else is torture.*

Status: Until you take action to be, what you desire to be, you continue to be, what you are.
Joined: April 9, 2017
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 399215
Gender: M
I don't know what's going to happen from here on out but I do know is that I want to be with you. I've told you how I felt, all my feelings are true. You make me smile, you are always there for me, and you are just simply amazing. I'm so happy that I had the privilege to meet someone like you. We get along so well; the goofyness we share and our conversations are something I'd never trade for anything. I know we can become something special, I hope you see that too cause girl I have to tell you, I want no one else but you.