
Joined: November 10, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 93266

The name is ShilHeaven Adams and one of my bffls is kara or hoboe or pyo and her username on witty is xodancelover7 she makes lettering fanart she is working on pictures so if u need fan are leave her a coment!!
You're just the

Best Friend

I couldn't live without




dont be afraid to...

(I made my profile pic of me at the top)

haiti needs out help now. if it was u wouldnt you want help. no food no homes and for some no family. they have nothing but u can give them somthing go to to donate and remember every pennie counts. you can make a difference for thousands of people so help now.

im a big fan of the help haiti foundation and plz donate im sure every citicen will be thankful for your genorosity.

thx hoboe!!!!

hyflyer.gif picture by xokaraloves