
Joined: May 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 173121
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Hi there.
Hi guyss I'm Jillian. I'm 13 years old and am left handed. have big hair. I play basktball and lacrosse, and my favorite color is red. I can be obnoxious, clingy, inconsiderate, and rude. I admit it. But, I'm a damn good friend and I will always be there for the people I care about. I don't have a boyfriend, because I'm not that pretty and am one of the most awkward human beings you would ever have the pleasure to meet. I have depression. It's amazing what a smile can hide. I guess I'm semi popular; I have my friends that like me and I like them. A lot of people hate me, they can't accept people who speak their minds. People love to start rumors about me. I could care less anymore. I'm in love with somebody I shouldn't be.
So, the main reason I made witty was to help other girls struggling right now. I can honestly say I've been through hell. Last year, I was bullied every day. My parents are divorced, and we never get along. I've been betrayed by people I thought were my friends, and my heart has been broken. Yeahh that's all I have to say. Byee.
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