Gokiddiesgo Quote #6844939
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I just read an article in GLAMOUR magazine, that some girls are

I just read an article in GLAMOUR magazine, that some girls are avoiding being in a relationship because they want to 'dazzle' at work, and feeling that by being in a relationship, they won't do so well at work.

So, fellow Wittians, what do you think?
DEBATE- No fighting and play nice. :p

1 Comment

hiimawkward247* 1 decade ago
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Uhmm no, that's not why girls are avoiding relationships. If they wanted to "dazzle" at work then they'd dazzle relationship or not. If they are avoiding relationships because of work its because they one they want works with them but their company has a no dating policy so she just tells herself its better for me. A lot of girls avoid relationships because they're afraid of getting hurt, getting rejected, being let down, letting another person into their life.
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