
Joined: October 29, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 92341

Quotes by 123laxpop123

just kidding, that'd be inapropreite and disturbing.
Favorite this if;
you waste 30 minutes on a quote;
sign on the next day;
and see only 3 people like it;
it's like... "wtf?! well that's like 20 MINUTES OF MY LIFE that'll never get back... "

true ?:)
hun, credit to
whoever <3
I Hate It When People Ask
1)Can I ask you a question? (didnt gimme a choice there, did ya sunshine?)

2) Did you get a haircut? (no it shrunk..!!)

3) Did you lose weight? (yeah. it just vanished!)

4) Did you catch a fish? (nope. i talked it into giving himself up.)

5) *waiter* Table for how many? (one hundred and twelve. us 3 would like to switch seats every 4 minutes)

6) Were you sitting there? (yes. me and my imaginary friend steve.)

7) Your not wearing that out are you? (actually i was planning on going naked)

8) Is that yours? (no i stole it...!)

9) *watching a trick* Am i supposed to pick a card? (no your supposed to pick your nose)

10) Are you going to eat that? (only if you want it)

11) *doctor* How are you today? (Great! I just like your company(: )

12) *clerk at store* Is that all? (why? wasnt this enough??)

13) Where did you get that accent? (i bought it on ebay)

14) Hey, are you moving? (nope. we just like to pack our stuff up in boxes every week)

15) Are you always funny? (no, i only make a special effort on tuesdays and thursdays)

This quote has been deleted. :(

 Y O U R   M O M .
N u m b e r  O n e  C o m e   B a c k   
S i n c e    1 9 8 4 . 

Hey come on,
how could you NOT
[<3] this quote ?

Anne Frank,
No Offence Or Anything Butt,
Osama Bin Laden
Hiding Spot Look Like...


haahah true ?:)

Anyone ever realize;
School, is like...
 Legal Abuse for kids?

idk, just thoughht of itt:DD
yahh, im pretty sure its minee soo.
Ha, Yeah i Used To Do That
 All The Time
i Turned 6.

Hahah yeahh this is what
happens when 13 year olds
get bored.