
Joined: July 13, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 317118

Mitch Fayfield.

So if you didn't even bother to read the large font at the top, I will repeat my name. It's mitch Fayfield. Which by the way isn't a very common name. At least my last name isn't. Only a few guys named that, and they are either dead or old candidates for something or another.
Anyway though, I am 14, turned 14 in  August. August 21st. 3:48 A.m. to be spot on..
Uhh, I guess I am a bit shy. Unless I'm around my best friend Mandy, then I'm wild. :)
She's the reason why Im on here actually. Kinda forced, but I don't mind because I've watched Mandy on WittyProfiles many times.
Uhm let's see...I live in Indiana, though I am from Australia. And  yes I have the accent stuck to me forever and ever. Don't question it. :D

A cov

Covers for stories: Believe it boys, The Exes..   My drawing: White background......My dog, Kimmy: The only dog...

There's my gorgeous friend Mandyy! ^.^

...R.I.P. Kimmy!...

Bai ya'll. :P

 Before I go..ppl say I look like Jake from Two and a Half Men sooo this is to prove you wrong..

Asain look^


Simi noraml look



All_My_Mates's Flair

Flair is brand new. Send ideas on how to improve these badges to Steve.

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11 Year Club
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