
Joined: January 29, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 268992
Hi, I'm Ally.
I'm 14 and I'm in 8th grade.
My birthdays on December 30.
i hate it.
I absolutely love justin bieber. his story is an inspiration to me.<3
i live in probably the smallest town in pennsylvania.
i have an amazing boyfriend named jakob.
i go to a public school, but i hate it here.
its full of immature people.
i loveee sports.
i play basketball and do cheerleading.
music is my life.<3
i don't have a very interresting life.
i have a lot of friends but my bestfriends are
shelby and cole.
i hate stuck up bitches who think their amazing.
news flash, your not so get over yourself.
i have nothing else to say so, goodbye. (:
Justin Drew Bieber.<3
March 1st, 1994
12:56:34 am on a rainy Tuesday.
2nd floor. room 126.
7 lbs. 11 oz.
21 inches.
Dr. Simon Bexlehr
they ran out of blue blamkets so they gave him
NeVeR sAy NeVeR.