
Status: Aaaand I still don't know how to smile on command. Oh- and Happy Christmas (:
Joined: March 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: June 17
user id: 287708
Location: I migrate between Hogwarts and The Silent City
Gender: F
You can take the kid out of the fight but you cant take the fight out of the kid
This is just the best thing ever.
Hello Fellow humans, my name's Jalyn (Jay-Lin). I'm 14 years old, and I'm scared of growing up.
I am fairly bad at these "about me's" so I'll try to get straight to the point and keep the rambling to a minimum.
I live my life in music and books, and I'm stuck in the awkward part in my life where if I don't grow up I'll get screwed over, but if I do "grown up" things such as getting a boyfriend, or express my very grown up views, I'll get judged. So... Yeah, it sucks.
Im an atheist, and I don't ever want kids. Ever.
I'm a proud Gryffindor, a daring dauntless with erudite and candor qualities, and most of all I'm Jalyn.
As I look back on what I've written this far, I think I'm on the verge of rambling! So I'll stop here and give you the chance to get on with your life.

Pro-Animals, Hate People.

[+] Panic! At the Disco, Queen, Linkin Park, Aerosmith, Evanescence, Sock Monkeys, Stephen King, Children of the Corn, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Mortal Instruments, Divergent, Volts Wagons, Sweats, Hoodies&Sweatshirts, Sneakers, Death of the Family, DC, Marvel, Greek Mythology, Ancient Egypt, Cleopatra, Ancient China, Mulan, Milk Chocolate, Hockey, FAIRY TAIL, Freaks and Geeks, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, The Big Bang Theory, Lost, The Office, SNL, American Dad!, Avatar-The Last Airbender, Adventure Time, Putting Mustaches on posters, the list could go on.

[-] High heels, The Color Pink, Modern Cars, Paradoxes, School, When people leave their trash on random shelves in stores instead of finding a trash can, my own laziness, Dinosaur movies, Alien movies, Not being able to fall asleep (every night), mornings, sunlight, saying I'm gonna do something then either forgetting or flaking out.

Quote Comments by AlwaysxAxDreamer

AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6911860
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That...that was perfect.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6871308
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You are far from alone, my friend!
We SHALL pity ourselves together!

Mine is just makes me look seething angry all the time and it's not fair because I'm shy and can't approach people and the only way I am capable of making friends of for them to approach me.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6892305
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Oh well. My first account was in 2011, and before making that first account I had been lurking on witty for stardoll presentations for just less than 2 years. My argument is completely irrelevant I guess.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6892305
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I have to disagree. We still have many wittians who post original things. We've gotten better with the whole tumblr thing, but it's not like we can force people to stop posting what they want.
I don't think the quality of quotes has gone down. And also, if someone were to go as far as some of the people did back in 2011 with harassing people then everyone would have a fit. We've gotten rid of so many bully accounts and are so much nicer and more supportive than people were in the old Witty.
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Melrose* 1 decade ago on quote #6892305
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being that i have been here since 2010. id have to disagree.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6892305
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Oh well. My first account was in 2011, and before making that first account I had been lurking on witty for stardoll presentations for just less than 2 years. My argument is completely irrelevant I guess.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6892305
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Whoo! My first "preach" gif!
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891627
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No, don't do that.
If you want to be a vegetarian, do it healthily. It's awesome that you wanna save the animals, but don't do it in a way that risks your own health because that's not saving anyone or anything.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891653
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The Count Censored
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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No problemo :D
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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Okay, from here on if I'm being sarcastic I'll put "sarcasm" in parenthesis.
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* Sabaism * 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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Okay. Thank you xD
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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No problemo :D
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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No no I'm not being sarcastic! Seriously though, you should be crowned King Confession.
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* Sabaism * 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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That could've been sarcasm too, damnit ;-;
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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Okay, from here on if I'm being sarcastic I'll put "sarcasm" in parenthesis.
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* Sabaism * 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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Okay. Thank you xD
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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No problemo :D
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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This may be the most honest quote in witty history.
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* Sabaism * 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not ;-;
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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No no I'm not being sarcastic! Seriously though, you should be crowned King Confession.
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* Sabaism * 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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That could've been sarcasm too, damnit ;-;
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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Okay, from here on if I'm being sarcastic I'll put "sarcasm" in parenthesis.
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* Sabaism * 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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Okay. Thank you xD
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6891399
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No problemo :D
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6868524
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Or I believe in equality, not superior genders.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6890377
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Oh my gosh you are making my day! You are so lovely!
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6890381
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I like math as long as it doesn't involve math.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6890377
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Oh. My. God.
Sweet baby Je-sus thank you so much! I can't believe you made this! THANK YOU, YOU KIND PERSON YOU.
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midnight* 1 decade ago on quote #6890377
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lol haha
no problem
your. quotes. are. awesome.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6890377
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Oh my gosh you are making my day! You are so lovely!
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6890330
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Haha, thank you! You too, lovely.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6890330
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I think you're more normal than I am! I just don't get attached easily I guess. But now I've been sucked right back into the inner-circle.
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TheVagabond 1 decade ago on quote #6890330
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Lol! That's not a bad thing though. I get too emotionally attached to people who barely know me and its just horrible. Welllll, good luck on the Feels train.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6890330
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Haha, thank you! You too, lovely.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6889486
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Adblock for Youtube is one of the best things ever!
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6887505
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I hate that. I wish they'd just disappear instead of showing up as "hidden". That's not hidden. I see it.
It's pretty difficult to ignore someone when they're hidden poorly.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago on quote #6887905
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The attitude about it is just horrible. And then if people find out they ostracize them and make fun of them for it even though the reason she may have started doing it in the first place was because they were picking fun at her boobs.
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