
Joined: August 10, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 120141

Status:  and you'll miss me when i'm gone ♥

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I'm just a teenage girl ;
but I'll never be the person i want to be ♥


My name is Alyssa Kyliee. I'm thirteen almost; fourteen. i live in california. I'm in 9th grade  this  year. I'm  hoping  this  year will  be the  best.   I'm  a  good  person. I don't  lie,  and I  never  take  advantage of  someone,  because that hashappend to me before.    So I'm hoping you'll do the same for me.  I don't  think  i'm  pretty  so that's why  i don't  have a  picture of  myself. I think  everyone is beautiful in their own  way,so I  like to remind people they are. My friends and family  are the  best  people    ever.  People always say their  boyfriend i s their everything,  but sadly I'm   single.  I change mostly  everyday  cause I'm not happy with  myself,  but I'm learning how to be proud of who I am.My life isn't perfect, and I know it will never be,but I'm trying to take whatever life throws at me and just deal with it. I laugh and smile for mostly everything.I'm a real dork,and a nerd.  I do things differently,  and let's keep it that way.(: 

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13 Year Club
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