
Joined: October 26, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 130413
Taste The Rainbow Fool.....

I don’t really know what to write :
*Clears throat* I’m just an everyday Zombie milkman who enjoys licking chickens and spying on sheep. I couldn’t live without music, art and of coarse air, that’s a big help when it comes to living.


My favourite singers/bands include NeverShoutNever, you Me At Six, Twenty Twenty, One Direction(I'M SORRY) Rizzle Kicks, Two Door Cinema Club and my beloved…
 SUSAN BOYLE. She’s a fitty :love: 


It’s almost time for the Simpsons so I’d better hurry up. I don’t know why I bother, people aren’t going to actually read this anyway.


Ychwanegwch mi os gallwch ddarllen hwn! Oes; mae hyn yn Gymraeg, eisiau ymyrryd? Mae hanner y gwyddoch mae'n defnyddio cyfieithu google beth bynnag.


Please don’t talk to me in text talk, noob talk or foreign languages,

This Box Is So Cool.
It's A box Of Cool'ness,
Basically I Copied And Pasted It's On Adams Profile,
But I'm Sure he Won't Mind x3

'Tis Anna,
Yes, So A Bit About Mesh.
I'm a wilderness explorer and I also sell taco's as a backup job... you should come along one time, we need a new assistant manager. the last one died... It w-wasn't f-from a t-taco or anything..



There Were Pictures Here .-.
Not Anymore More ;]



Quote Comments by AnnaSaysRawr