
Joined: July 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 190906

Quotes by Babykakies3697

Loveing when he call's you silly then kisses your forehead or your nose(: <3
When i was little i used to pick flower petals saying "He loves me, He loves me not," now im picking them saying "I love Kenton more, I love Rhyann more," Growing up suckss</3

I did not use real names i used subsitute names from my story<3
Chapter (One Part)

He had his own sent it wasn’t cologne it was just his natural human sent. It was musky and it was so strong, as I sat there in his arms, it muted every doubt in my mind. My back was against his chest, his arms around me as we watched TV off my phone. It was the first real time he and I had really hung out by ourselves. He was devastatingly taller then me, I’m merely 4,9 and he is 5,9. I tried as hard as I could not to become to self-aware of how close we were, but he is just so hot. He has deep brown eyes that just made me skip a beat every time I looked into them. He has brown hair that matches his eyes perfectly. He has the sexiest smile I’ve ever seen, even though he has braces, but I personally think he looks hot with them.
I tried to focus on the phone and watch the little kid cartoons, but everything that had just happened was implanted on my mind. I was reviewing over all that had happened when my voyager made the sound that meant it was about to die.
“Looks like the Looney Toons are going away for now. My phones going to die Kenton,” I told him. He looked down at me and all else froze. The only thing I could think of was how his lips were so close and his eyes were staring me down. I was attempting to babble about something random but he brought his lips down to meet mine. Everything in my mind was telling me that this was horrible and it shouldn’t be happening. He had a girlfriend and he liked her too, but that was just my mind the rest of me was  just telling my mind to shut up and bask in softness of his lips.
I stopped the kiss sooner then I would have wanted. I turned around to demand what the hell was that he had a girlfriend! I tried and I failed I looked in his deep brown eyes and melted completely.
I wanted to make sure that we spent the rest of what little time we had left to hang out keeping his lips on mine. Then he suddenly picked me up and spun me around.
“Have you ever been kissed in mid air,” Kenton asked.
“No, why,” I asked.
            “Well today’s the last day you can say that,” Kenton said his husky voice enveloped my mind.
The kisses grew faster and stronger, our lips were moving in complete unison with each other. Just as Kenton was slithering his hand up my shirt my alarm went off which meant I had to go home. Kenton practically carried me to the point where we had to split up kissing just about every second.
“Do you have to go,” He asked sincerely.
“Do you want to hang out again anytime soon,” I questioned him.
“Yes,” He answered his voice was deep and seductive.
“Then yes sadly I do have to go,” I expressed reluctantly.
He gave me one last kiss. The kind that causes you’re to stomach flip, your head to freeze, and is left lingering on your lips till the next kiss.
As I walked away from the little Sumpterlin, Iowa Summertin Park I was completely blissful for the first time in my life. I had no doubts, I wasn’t depressed, I wasn’t waiting for something bad to happen, but I was completely at peace.
The little hut at the Summertin park would forever in my heart and mind be a place of bliss and amazement. I turned back shyly, on some level praying he was watching me and on another hoping he wasn’t looking back at me too. Fortunately at the moment I looked back at him he wasn’t looking over at me he was looking down at his phone.
When I heard my three days grace song go off from my phone I realized he had texted me. I smiled and looked back at him he looked back at me and smiled too. I looked down at my phone still smiling. It was this kid Rhyann that I met from this hotel I stayed at last weekend.  My phone went off again and it was Kenton! I ignored Rhyann for now. I was still major dumbstruck.
Kenton: Hi:)
Me: Hey!(:
Kenton: Whats up?
            We texted and acted as if we hadn’t just hung out with each other. I rode my bike home still picturing the way he looked. how his lips felt against mine. his soft brown eyes sizing me up. his hands on, my hips down my stomach, on my hands. All of it still fresh in my mind and on my skin.
 I texted Rhyann he was a really sweet, nice, shy guy. I really liked him, granted I’ve only known him for a month, but the month had been long and fun. I could tell he wouldn’t ever hurt me if I ever trusted him with my heart. The only thing was I couldn’t tell who to give my heart too…
[The next night...]
            I wanted to hang out with Kenton today but he was busy, I’m not sure what he was doing, but he didn’t talk to me at all, all day. I was starting to think he wished he didn’t do anything with me yesterday.. that he was repulsed that he had kissed me.
            I texted Rhyann all day and watched episodes of Buffy the Vampire slayer all day. It was a very boring day, Rhyann was sweet it was almost his birthday, I wish I could get him something or see him, do something for him to make him think I liked him. I didn’t no what to do for his birthday so I decided that I was going to forget about it and forget about Kenton and give Rhyann a chance.

The guilt

Who else hates to think that your the girl everyone hates, Because the girl that helped the guy cheat. And trying to help your best friends when a guy cheats on them saying "that girl needs her @$s kicked," then wondering in your head if you should have your @$s kicked?

“Hey Blake, who was that guy from the mall? You know the one who you said you were dating,” my best friend Ashlee Esme Halliwell asks her friend Blake London Carrara.
“What guy,” Blake asks questionably.
“Ohhh, you mean the hotty from my birthday party thing,” I ask sitting on the hard, cold cement floor in this small, enclosed, dingy bathroom.
Blake answered, “Ohh, you mean Kenton James Harrison,” her eyes got all star gazed as she said his name. Her fake, poorly died, blond hair framed her acne face. Her dark brown roots were popping out of the top of here head. Every time she bent her head down they were extremely visible. She was the second shortest here, so apparently she felt dignified to sit on the bathroom counter. Me being the shortest here, and used to it, was sacrificed to sit on the floor next to Paige.
“Yeah, Him he was hot,” Ashlee commented. “So what’s up with you too? Last time we talked you too were dating,” Ash asked.
“No, I dumped him.” She pondered for a bit before she added anything else. I personally thought she was lying. I didn’t know why I thought that it just sounded wrong. While she was speaking she stuttered and she looked down at her shirt fumbling. Well I thought that they never dated, because how in the hell could HE ever date HER? “He was just to clingy. Things none of you will understand until your older.” She paused again. “well except for your friend over there. Roxy right,” she said as she pointed over to me.
 When I heard my name my head shot up like a rocket. Who? What me? How could I possibly know anything more mature then my other friends, Paige, Rosie, and Ashlee?
They all jerked their heads over too me. I was still puzzled. What could I, Roxanna Aleena Prescott know more then them? Then as they looked to me, I realized what she was talking about, as my 9th grade boyfriend would say they looked like little kids. They all looked at me, even Blake, waiting for my answer to explain their confusion.
“What would Roxy,” she paused for dramatic effect, “ possibly know anything about dating anymore then any of us here,” Quite Paige asked speaking for the first time.
I looked down at my lap playing with my shirt as I spoke. “well… I’m kind of dating a 9th grader named Jacob Afton. He’s knew here, he just moved her from Texas, we just started dating,” I smiled hoping that would make this less worse. It didn’t help, they all looked at me with disapproval in there eyes. There stares left my body ice cold, my heart sank. I quickly changed the subject back to Blake and that, what’s his face, Kenton dude. “ so do you want me to talk to him for you? I mean if you’d like.” I offered.
“Yeah thanks Roxanna! Here I’ll read off his number to you guys,” she looked so optimistic. She started babbling about Kenton, I think it was. “But none of you guys can like date him. He’s mine.”
“I would never do such a thing to you I swear,” I said comely, I wasn’t lying to her the dude may have been hot, but he wasn’t enough to risk this new great friend I just made. He wouldn’t like me anyway just as Rosie had said at my birthday party.
“Ohhmyyygawdd he’s so hot he has such a huge dick.” Until then my mind had been blank from her babbling.
“Wait, what? How would you know.” She looked at me and winked which meant that everyone else looked at me as if I would no.
“Well.. I had him measure in the shower,” she was still looking at me as if I was the only one that understood her. They all looked at her while she was looking at me as if she was a god. Then they all looked puzzled even a mentally retarded person would realize they wanted to know how BIG it supposedly was. “Its 8,” she looked at me again and winked. “here text him, text him,” she gave us his number and we all texted him, and we all had a vote with who he would text back first. They voted Rosie, but I won.