
Joined: January 25, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 267724
Hey Guys :)
This account is just an account where I say what girls usually find attractive in boys! Haha, I'm putting in what i like, but I want to be able to write about what everyone likes, so if you have an idea for something leave me a comment!
Thank you :)!
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Quotes by BoysWhooo

Boys Who
boys who love hugs


Boys Who
boys who aren't your boyfriend but compliment you anyway 


Boys Who
boys who want a real relationship 



Boys Who
boys who come up behind you and hug you 



Boys Who
don't change when they're around their friends 


Boys Who
boys who give you their hoodie when your cold


Boys Who
pick you up when you hug them 


Boys Who
boys who kiss you on the head 


Boys Who
come to your house to make you feel better when your sick 


Boys Who
play hockey