
Joined: March 30, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 71922
I'm Lauren.
I'm fourteen. Taken.
I live in California, i won't
hate you without reason. Don't
call me fake, because i'm not and
it just makes you look jealous. I'm related
to Miley Cyrus believe it or not. But don't start
crap. Talk shit get hit, talk to me. I'm new here so
give me advice. Aim me or email. Comments are good.
l_5fdf626cbd2e82eacd5f167575b15a-1.png picture by switzerkevin 
That'd be me.

Quotes by BridgesBurnedx3

I always think to myself,
somehow, someway,
you WILL love me,
someday. Then I think,
where there's a will,
there's a way.         <3

* make it pretttyyyy:]
There's always gonna be another mountain;;
I'm always gonna [wanna] make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb. 

3rd one made, comments, favorites:]

[Paint] a picture;;
Choose your colors extra wise

;;Dream(Miley Cyrus)

Second quote;; comment:]
'cause my [heart's] already in it
And I'm never gonna quit it`

-Miley Cyrus(Don't walk away)

first ever quote made, comment:]