
Joined: February 27, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 68858
Hi, the names britney. I can be your friend or your worst nightmare. I like to have fun, and I know how to have a good time. (which is not the same thing.. just so you know.) my friends would describe me as loud and sometimes crazy. I speak my mind way to much and I'm not afraid of what other people think. I fall in love way to easily and I get hurt more times then I can count. I'll be there for you whenever you need a helping hand and I don't expect anything in return. I'm honest and I'll tell you straight up how it is. If you don't like it sucks to be you. I'm not afraid to take chances and make risks. I make a lot of mistakes and I usually learn from them. I'm the best that I can be. I'm a leader, NOT a follower. I love life, and i smile as much as possible. Take me as I am or watch me shake it as I go.
don'tclickthis. (: 

Quotes by Britt12

Life is too Short  
to wake up in the morning 
with regrets. So, Love the 
people who treat you right, 
forgive the ones who don't 
and believe that everything 
happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it. 
If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said it'd be easy, 
they just promised 

It would be worth it
The words you're all waiting to here.
Let's. Get. Naked.

Valentine's day movie was amazing. (: 
 & me and my friends are so cool, 
that we go to subway to get supper 
and eat it at a chinese restaurant(:
 & i've finally found my
prince charming.

click the <3 if you did to.(:
 & you know she's your best friend when...
*she favorite's almost all your quotes even if they suck.
*calls you all the time just so you can hear her ringtone. 
*you take millions and millions and millions of picture in one day for facebook and myspace but only end up using one. 
*you love each other no matter how crazy you are.
*she's been your best friend since you met. 
*you laugh at everything she says.
*you both text new numbers and make new friends together. 
*have to many inside jokes that you don't even remember half of them.
*when she text's your aunt all the time
*when she calls your parents mom and dad.
*she's there for you for everything.
*you have so many nicknames for each other that when you call each them you completely ignore each other cause you forget that that is one of them.
*and then you make quotes about how she's you best friend and realize there are way to many reason's why she's your best friend that you give up with the reason's why.
 & it's funny how i thought 
you were something special
that you could be the one..
that you might love me too.
but boy, i was wrong. your 
nothing but a big jerk. 
and even though i still love you
I'm done. 
 & just when I think I can't love you 
anymore then I already do
you surprise me and make me 
fall harder then I ever have before
 & to all those girls out there wishing he was yours. someday you'll find someone better.. and maybe just  maybe it will be that one your wishing for. So don't give up on that one guy that continues to make you smile. I promise there are some good guys out there you just have to find them. They may be hard to find. It might take a while for him to become yours. Or he might just be right in front of your eyes. Just keep believing and soon you'll find him. Just because one guy hurt you doesn't mean every guy will. And if you just went threw a break up, take time to heal. If you really loved him. and if he really loved you. You wouldn't have broken up. So don't worry plenty of boys will come and go. but the one true boy who loves you will never leave. 


i know this is long but i figured some girls could use the advice. 

I don't know where I stand with you
And I don't know what I mean to you          
All I know is every time I think of you

all I wanna do is be with you...

quote's don't have to be lots of pretty color's to mean something to you. 
they just have to come from the heart.!<3 


Do you know that i love you?

i probably already told you, but i'm going to keep saying it. there is no lies in these words, not one bit. your smile keeps me alive. is one more reason to keep fighting. i would give you my soul for comfort, even if it leaves me dark and cold. && when i hold you close, i can feel your heart beat fast, and i think to myself.... i've found that someone at last. 


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