
Joined: April 28, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 107451
Im Caitlin people call me cait or callie or some times catie cat! Lol well im blonde, bubbly, and easy to like!:D
Im not perfect far from it im a horrible girl friend and sometimes i wonder why my friend even like me!?
i have the most awesomest people in my life.. Peyton PolectiFlaw, and Liz!!!! I have my doubts about my other "bestie" But ill keep her name out of this!:D Well if you new me you would no that i love to go to the mall, skating rinks, and the movies! i have tons of family members! Umm i have 6 horses and a buch of chicken's lol people dont get me off as a farm girl but i love it! My passion is art...and horeses....and DIRT BIKING!!!!! <3!! ily all!!! P.s i love my boy friend!!!!XD

Quotes by Calliexxlove


I hate you
I don't no about you 
If their was a fire at my school i'm not going to fricken walk in a slow "single file line"!!!
I got skittles in my mouth you wanna taste the rainbow??
M&M's are
I hate it 
when i have a text
when im laying on my back
but im to comfortable to move

so i drop
my phone my face!
you'll be the prince
and ill be the princess<3
Best Friend
as the one who calls you
at 3:00a.m
to tell you
how good her banana was!<3

!!!!!!!!!IM A DINOSAUR!!!!!!!!!!
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__/...(...l..(...| Dino!!!