
Joined: July 15, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 317734

Hi pie :D

I'm Alyanna (A-LEE-YA-NA)
I have 4 sisters :/

When I was little one of them hit me with a screwdriver..
Then again I hit her with a bottle..

She had this diary with a key that needs her voice
so when I couldn't open it
I banged it on the floor.

They still dont know how it broke...

Quotes by Caramelli

                         i am devestated
                                                                When I was watching TV in the time iCarly was supposed to be
                                                                           showing Mr. Young was there. I was puzzled.
                                                                          I researched it until I found out. iCarly is gonna end soon.
                                                                Most of my childhood is gone.. I guess we have to say hi to the 
                                                                                             new generation of kids.


 *At school and Ed Sheeran A Team is on my Ipod*

Some boy in my class:
  Can someone turn off this Justin Bieber song?
  Someone hold me before I smack this midget!

*Bestfriend walks here*

Her:  ..?
Me: *Tells her what happened*
Her: CHARGE!!!

When I was little 
I was In a new years eve party. The adults went out..

Yeah my drunk big brother gave me a wet

 it was disgusting.

Me: -Watching TV-
Bestfriend: Isn't Austin and Ally the greatest show Disney made?

Me: This is a sad day, -pats back- 

'' I am quite  good with computer-'
''-Mom, you think paint is a virus..''
I am really mad at my best friend because he told my crush I like him.

But then he told it to him because he liked me :)


He told him because my ex-boyfriend told him to..
 That traitor..
sometimes, me and my friend wonder..
♥ How do parents always find a way to beat US in a conversation?

Lol :3

A college teacher was teaching kids on observation. Smell, texture, appearance..
And taste. He got out a jar of urine dipped his finger in it and put his finger in his mouth.
The students were disgusted but being the good students they dipped their fingers in and put it in their mouth.
Once they were finished the teacher replied with,
"Idiots, if you did not look I dipped my 2nd finger in and put my 3rd finger in my mouth."