
Joined: May 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 173605

ChrisHughes's Favorite Quotes

witty has opened my eyes to some of the problems all these beautiful girls face. i just want to confirm it. fave if youre insecure. i want to see how many girls actually are.
- Landon

Dear Nickelodeon,
Turning talentless girls into terrible singers is kind of OUR thing.!.
not my format;

"I'm Not doing this for faves."
Yeah right.

This quote does not exist.
what  crosses your mind
when your eyes meet mine? ♥


and i just wish
he thought i was beautiful.

I'm Homy  

Fave if you just misread that.


   When you find out he doesn't like you back
 i  t    s  u  c  k  s   d  o  e  s  n '  t    i  t

"I like girls who can show me who they really are and let loose"

haha my friend said that today im like really this from you?