
Joined: July 9, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 316156
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But then, I realize
I'm completely alone. 

Hey guys!
My name is a secret.
Yes, I have another account.
I didn't want my friends to see the stuff that I post, so I made another account.
I am depressed. I was diagnosed with psychotic depression.
So yes, I hallucinate. And I was in a psychiatric hospital for a month.
All of my feelings of depression are still there.
All of the feelings in my confessions are real.
But, I'm getting better.
I've been through A LOT and I'm still here.
I survived, and so can you.
Stay strong♥

Comments by ConfessionsOfADepressedMind

ConfessionsOfADepressedMind 1 decade ago to ThatGuyNamedBentley
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Thanks for the fave♥
ConfessionsOfADepressedMind 1 decade ago to UnknownButNotInvisibleDanny
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Okay. Thanks :)
I do, however, have to go to bed now because I have a psychiatric appointment in the morning. yay. Anyway, I'm usually on any other time haha :)
Please don't cut. For me?♥
ConfessionsOfADepressedMind 1 decade ago to UnknownButNotInvisibleDanny
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Hey. I was told by someone that you're living a pretty hard life. You can talk to me if you need/want to. I'm not going to tell you I know how you feel or what you're going through, because chances are, I don't. I've been through a lot, too and the only way to get over it is to talk to someone about it. Talk to me whenever you need to.
ConfessionsOfADepressedMind 1 decade ago to Bethxox
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I will :)