
Joined: November 17, 2011
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 239748



Courtney Leigh Johnstone

Witty is my life!♥

Helloo, My name is Courtney Leigh Johnstone, I blow the candles out on the 26th of july!, which mean im 13 years young!. I love my life, Family, Friends and my amazing boy♥, These are my life and i would just be lost without them♥

"Never forget the good times. But never regret the past!"

"Live life to the fullest!"

"Laugh as much as you breathe and love aslong as you live"

Harry Styles and Ed Sheeran♥
"A house gets cold when you cut of the heating without you to hold i'd be freezing"

"Damn i think i love that boy, do anything for that boy"


Free Lines Arrow

Quotes by Courtneylj

We all have that one friend

That we make fun of even though we love them♥

-That one friend is me




I love you like...

A fat kid loves cake



If I got a star for every time you made me smile, 
I'd have the whole universe right in front of me

COD, keeping teenage pregnancy down since 2003


I've never actually saw someone
 slip on a banana peel!

Sad Times



Flipping your hair

To overwhelm ONE DIRECTION




                                                                            Every moment


                                                            Beyond words 





Nature's way of tricking people into reproducing



Santa  put  that  boy  on  the  naughty  list

                                        He stole my heart