
Joined: December 28, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 142644

I made this account for all of the witty girls out there that need someone. You can talk to me about ANYTHING going on in your life. You can have somone to talk to about, and I'll always be there for you. I pinky promise♥ Another pinky promise, I'll never tell anybody, unless you specifically ask me to make your story into a quote. With that, your name will never be used unless you ask me to. You can either leave a comment, or email me at Just know, witty girls, that you can cry to me♥

Quote Comments by Cry_To_Me

Cry_To_Me 1 decade ago on quote #2977752
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That must be really hard to go through. I don't think I could. But girls like you give me the inspiration to get through things like that in life. Hopefully, you still talk to your dad though sometimes. He's never too far away. And I'm really sorry about your friend. Stay strong♥
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Cry_To_Me 1 decade ago on quote #2977752
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I'm so sorry for everything. You're really brave and stong for not going through with killing yourself. You can talk to me anytime. You're a true inspiration♥
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