
Joined: March 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 287903

Quotes by DaveynawtDesautell

The Best thing is knowing the person you love, loves you back =)

The worst thing is NOT knowing if the person you love, loves you back =(:'( 
That awkward moment when you accidentally hang up on a friend and you both frantically call eact other at the same time
That moment when you think of an amazing witty quote that'll make you get top quote...

And you forget it >=/

Me; I just ate shark for dinner
My friend jon; Oh wow but where did you get shark from???
My bestest buddy julia; the beach duh 


These girls at my school make fun of me everyday because im gay :'( fave if you support me

Is it wrong, that im gay
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fave when you find the mitsake :P

That akward moment when you accidentaly hit the enter button too early and you accidentally call your friend a ho instead of saying how

"So sad, no one has favorited this qoute yet"~ Witty