
Joined: June 4, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 179853



 Ohai derr. Im Carsen. Im 13 years old and going into the 8th grade. I made my mother scream like hell on March 24 of the year 1998. Im straight, but sometimes I end up looking at girls, and think: "Damn, they're hot o.O." I have red, purple and blonde hair. Im single atm. Im a vegetarian. I do not believe in the killing of animals or eating them. Im a Christian. Im also very weird and dorkyish, thats a proven fact. And proud to be. I have lost everyone and everything that was important to me in my life.Thats why I have trust issues. All the friends I have had in real life have back stabbed me. A lot of sh*t has happen to me in my life. Some things have affected my life worse than other things. Anywhoo, Im 5'4. Thats short for my class of 6' people and taller. I like drawing, music, movies, formspring, stardoll, tumblr, facebook, and such ;3. I do ";3" allot, so get used to it(; My fave bands are: Black Veil Brides, Asking Alexandria, Blood on The Dance Floor, Millionaires, Nickasaur!, The Ready Set, Lady Gaga, Family Force 5, Katy Perry, Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa, Usher, 3Oh!3, Bring Me The Horizon, and such.(I will add more as I remember xD) People always try to lable me. I fuhking HATE lables. Whats my fave color, you might have not asked? Well, My MAIN fave color is electric purple. But I also like Lime green, black, blood red, and electric blue. WELL, BYE GUYS.! I just wrote a lot of sh*t that people probably arent going to even read. Any way ask me a question on formspring.-FacePalm- Ive changed so much in the last year or so.



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