
Joined: April 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 166726

Quotes by EmiD

All i can say is

you must be BLIND to not see
how she looks at ypu ♥

Format by Sandrasaurus

That AMAZING moment when
my math teacher figures it out & sits me R I G H T next to him<3


***That feeling you get when***

you finally mean as much to him as he has ment to you for so long


"I'm Gunna F**king Fist Pump Till My F**king Arm Falls Off"``Pauly D(:

We all have our own story...... <3

so why mark all over mine like its your own...... <3

when your still writing yours...... <3



I know i shouldn't care because you never will again but its so hard to let go of something that was a  H U G E  part of me for so long....</3

I need you like an ocean needs waves & stripes need a tiger...<3


......not mine

So long story short
I still love you even though you don't care
&& i hate how we proved them wrong for the longest time
then put smiles right back on their faces as we fell apart
just because i forgot for O N E second how much i loved you
....all i can say now is i promise i will never forget how much i love you...
i will always remember how i lost the best thing i will ever have



I hate the feeling
that i think he is going to notice me or
finally say hi today but
i should know better by now i'm just
"someone in the hall"
